Pupils from two Stirling schools have teamed up with Nil By Mouth and CCG Construction to explore issues around identity and discrimination as well as celebrating their community.

The classes discussed remembrance.
P7 classes from St Margaret’s and Cowie Primary Schools this week participated in a joint Nil By Mouth workshop. Part of the charity’s ‘United Against Division’ programme, pupils learned about and discussed the consequences of sectarian language and behaviour.
The pupils have already met during November to explore Remembrance Day and in December both classes will begin on ‘Neeps & Tatties’ lessons using Carey Morning’s beautiful Scot’s storybook to explore themes around acceptance, difference & discrimination. This work will carry forward to the new year when pupils will again come together to learn about various art techniques and more about the creative process from ‘Neeps and Tatties’ illustrator, Anna York. This stage of the partnership will culminate on Burns’ Night with a community haggis, neeps and tatties meal.

Pupils are learning about what makes us different and what we have in common.
In February the pupils will be visited by the Edinburgh Inter-Faith Association. This event will see representatives of major faiths and beliefs set up stalls with traditional dress, objects and activities to explain more about their particular faith. Pupils will be encouraged to ask questions about beliefs different to their own, or new to them, and have them answered by people from that faith.
The hard work of the pupils will then be rewarded in March when the Caledonia Gladiators pay them a visit for a joint coaching session. Formally known as the Glasgow Rocks, the Gladiators are Scotland’s top professional basketball team.

New friendships are made
The partnership project is being supported by CCG Construction, who are undertaking the Bannockburn Road Construction Project locally. The firm is keen to help build relationships and friendships between the schools as part of the legacy of the project.
Everyone involved with this partnership is very excited about it and you can keep up to date with the project via the charity’s social media channels.